I hope, you agree, that more customer feedback is better. For a long time we were asking ourselves: “How could we increase amount of collected ratings?” It is clear, that users don’t like surveys and web forms in general. Therefore, we were curious, what will happen if we will record rating right after customers clicks on rating link?
The result exceeded all our expectations – in a short testing period we’ve collected 236% more ratings! Today we are officially lunching “Instant ratings” and here are some details for you.
How does it work?
Nicereply offers several forms of rating links. Some kind of rating links contains explicit statement of customer satisfaction (e.g. three smiley faces). If you look closer, you will find out, that URLs behind smileys contain special parameter “s”, with value on a scale from 1 to 10. This “s-parameter” enables the magic of instant ratings feature.
Immediately as customer clicks on rating link with “s-parameter”, Nicereply will save customers opinion and display your rating survey form. Customer is not aware of this feature, but if she/he don’t have time to fill in the form, you will not lose her/his opinion about your service. If customer will fill in and submits the form, we will merge all data with already captured instant rating onto a standard rating.
Enabling instant ratings
If you would like to use power of instant ratings you will need to use some type of rating links with “s-parameter”. You can copy our predefined smiley template:
Disabling instant ratings
We are amazed by growth in collected ratings, but you may not share this excitement. If you don’t like instant rating feature, you can disable instant ratings in setup of rating survey.
We hope, you will enjoy new instant feature. Feel free to comment and rate us, we appreciate your instant feedback: